Fighting alongside his friends Uryuu Ishida (Noriaki Sugiyama), Yasutora Sado (Hiroki Yasumoto) and Orihime Inoue (Yuki Matsuoka), who each have their own special abilities, Kurosaki realizes that there are many more dangerous powers at work and vows to protect his loved ones at all costs.
As a substitute Soul Reaper, Kurosaki becomes deeply entangled with the matters of the Soul Society, a place where deceased souls gather. Ichigo Kurosaki (Masakazu Morita) gains special powers through a chance encounter with Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki (Fumiko Orikasa). “Bleach” takes place in a world where Soul Reapers, guardians of the souls going through the cycle of transmigration, fight corrupt spirits that devour human souls called Hollows. Without a doubt, the return of “Bleach” will bring forth a new high for battle-brazen anime with its stunning animation, beautiful soundtrack and emotional franchise conclusion. The season’s premiere received a 9.6/10 rating on IMDb and rose to number one on the MyAnimeList rankings when it was released on Oct 11. As one of the Big Three in shounen manga alongside “One Piece” and “Naruto,” the hype surrounding the new season of “Bleach” was undoubtedly high. A certain orange-haired substitute Soul Reaper is back with the release of “Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War,” a direct sequel to the “Bleach” anime series that ran from 2004 to 2012.